Tuesday, 19 November 2013


This blog text is from early-spring but I did want to share it with you…most of it was already written. If you know me you know that precision is not my strong area :P and I do not believe that “Don't Leave for Tomorrow What You Can Do Today” mantra.
I was called about week ago from one of Finnish phone operator who sell mobile internet. Different whose customer I'm right now! So she tells that they have this great offer and bla bla bla... They had this offer that i get unlimited max 21mb connection and this Sierra "mokkula" only some 20€/month and first year it's going to be 15? or something/month. It has 14 day refund so I said ok (my old is really old you know...). I believe that that call was Friday evening and yesterday (Wednesday) I got text to my cell that you have packed in local post office. So post and home.

When I open that big box to small ‘toy’ first I found their contract and pricing etc.. then i see this cool white box and carefully open it and what i see! this palm size devise that I don't have good feeling. When checking this new thing i see text wireless...why?!
On the phone I did say that I HAVE 3G router already and that I NEED eternal cable for my Xbox. I have now tried 5 times connect this Sierra my router but no help. Well today is the 2nd day and it did start working just today so maybe I go to my current operator and order a new stuff ;) I can decide what modem etc.. I want..all is not bad of this test. The connection is fast and now that I look they do have this cheaper (2€/m) mokkula that would go nicely with my router but of course they send well sold me the more expensive one!
Maybe you should not order anything through the phone? there is problems to end you magazine orders or the contract you make on phone don't count anymore. In my case you don't get what you want/need/asked.

So I did find out later that that one little triumph from 2nd day did not last even to the night! Somehow the connection was lost and spend rest of the 10 days to doing some odd bridges from mokkula to laptop to router to Xbox and mixed it up and over…I did not even know what I was doing but it started to work (somehow) but DNA did not stay with me. Well I did return the devise on the last day of course